
Super Brand Manager - Bluetoffee

Nor A and Jirayoot W plan to join Super Brand Manager Course to be held at Miracle Grand Hotel, on June 10,17,24,and 1 July 2009. Dr. Seree Wongmontha,a top-ranked professor of Marketing Dept. from Chulalongkorn University, will lead the course.

First Week (June 10)
1. Building Strong Brands
2. Brand Management

Second Week (June 17)
1. Driving Brand Value
2. Strategic Brand Sustaining

Third Week (June 24)
1. Brand Senses
2. Brand Services

Fourth Week (July 1)
1. Brand Culture
2. Brand Warefare

This course will be very useful for all the executives and SME owners to build new THAI BRANDS to be able to compete in the international market.

